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A news and lifestyle website aimed at Catholics worldwide


Boston Globe Media Company, circa July-October 2015

My Role

  • Design Lead
  • Prototypes
  • Information Architecture
  • Visual Design
  • Typography
  • Branding
  • Logo Design
  • Developer
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

How might we …

Unique Challenges

No. 1 | Crux needed brand and visual identity – including a wordmark

When Crux was formulated, it basically had a name and an editor. The face – branding, colors, typography – the overall visual design of the site – was TBD. What was known was that it was to be a news site, not a religious site – “no stained glass, no crosses.”

To set a design direction, I did:

No. 2 | Crux needed variety in its presentation

News sites – at least at that time – tended to package all their news in the same type of container, whether it fit or not. Crux wanted to have unique displays for different types of stories

No. 3 | Do it fast – so design in browser

Crux was a rush job. It went from inception to launch in just a few months, so Crux was built in browser. This was an enormous challenge for me as developer and designer, in terms of workload. Design reviews and dev reviews were the same thing, essentially.

Among the strengths of this approach:

Among the weaknesses

No. 4 | Crux had an awesome 404 screen

OK, not a challenge. But I love a good hidden bit, and Crux had a good one – and a sense of humor. The 404 screen was an image of St. Anthony, patron saint of lost items. It linked to his page in the Saints and Popes database. Additionally, because a 404 page should not leave users lost, it also directed them back to the main site.

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