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Hi. I’m David Putney, and this is my design portfolio. I specialize in innovation of all things connnected. I work on apps, websites, content, strategy and hardware UI.

Creating a "Google for medical records"

MIB-EHR was a legacy company's entry into the fast-growing field of electronic medical records for life insurance companies. It delivered records from multiple vendors, cut weeks off delivery times and hugely reduced costs. I designed, built and delivered a simple, perfomant front end and wrote extensive documentation.

Bringing the first over-the-counter hearing aid to market

Bose had an ambitious goal of creating and selling the first over-the counter hearing aid. It needed to be discreet, comfortable and stylish. It also needed to be dead-easy to use. I designed on-device controls -- boiling complex ideas down to a single button action -- so a user could quickly and easily access life-changing features.

Designing & building a secular news site for a Catholic audience

Crux was to be a destination site about the Catholic Church, with news, advice and lifestyle features aimed at members in the United States and elsewhere. It was a green-field project. I served as design lead, front-end developer, visual designer and more, essentially crafting the brand identity as well as the site itself.

Launching a colorful alternative to traditional newspapers

Link was a legacy-media project to capture the attention of a group of readers who had rejected traditional newspapers. It was not just color and photos and pop culture. It was a full-on reinvention of the form that news took that proved to be years ahead of its time. I was a cofounder who saw the project into production and guided it to success.