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I occasionally write blog posts about UX, techology, project how-tos, code advice and or reviews of tech devices. This is a sampling of my favorites.

Writing good Jira tickets won't make you famous, but it will make your team's job easier

The word “Jira” is likely to elicit a groan from designers or developers. This is a bit unfair to a product that sets the standard for productivity across multiple industries. In fact, it does its job rather well. Yes, yes. It’s enterprise productivity software, and we tend to hate on the tools we’re assigned. That really can’t be helped. No one is going to get the #jiraandchill hashtag trending on...

Lessons from designing and building a breakthrough electronic medical record search aggregator

Each person’s access to their own health records simply should be a right — easy, open, unfettered access. So why hasn’t anyone — you know — gone and done it? After all, it’s mostly electronic these days. Tens of millions of records generated during doctor visits reside in digital format, and pretty much everyone has a computer or phone that could access them. So health records should be as easily...

Abstract is the Holy Grail for Sketch users. So why is it so hard to understand?

Every designer at some point has had a file with a name like this on their hard drive. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. But it also is the sign of a real problem. Popular prototyping tools such as Sketch or Illustrator simply don’t scale across entire teams. Designers had no real way...

Problems with Your Legacy Codebases? A PostCSS Plugin is your Multitool to Solve Them

Nobody writes just CSS these days. It’s a preprocessor world and we all just live in it. That means some sort of build system – Webpack, Gulp and Grunt being the leading choices. A typical build system takes care of dozens of small tasks: concatenating, minifying, transpiling, auto-prefixing, linting and so on. Their modular nature and the customization that modularity affords make these build systems so useful. That thinking informs...

It is a device defined by its compromises as much as by its stengths

The Apple Watch is very nice. It’s nice to use. It feels nice on your arm. It looks nice, too, and is quite nicely built. It’s surprisingly nice to make phone calls from, and it’s a nice way to get notifications on the go. The haptic feedback buzz feels nice when a new push alert pops in. The alert sounds are nice, and the digital crown has a nice smooth,...